“De Eetbare Stad” - “The Edible City” Workshop

Een halve dag workshop om te leren hoe je het voedsel in onze stad kan ontdekken, foerageren & bereiden.

We fietsen rond in Kortrijk (enkel korte afstanden) om de onverwachte voedselbronnen te ontdekken die verborgen liggen in onze buurten. Daarna koken we samen en delen we een maaltijd. De workshop zal worden geleid door Michel Gonzaga. Michel geef geregeld workshops rond wild plukken, koken met kruiden, wilde fermenteren ,vegetarische, vegan.

Wanneer: zaterdag  11 September

Start 14u00  tot  18u00

Locatie start: BK6, 8500 Kortrijk daarna koken samen in de Roeland Saverystraat 26, 8500 Kortrijk

Prijs: De Workshop is voor iedereen gratis.

Graag meebrengen: 1snijbord, een goed snijmes, schort, en een proper handdoek.

Info/Inschrijven ten laatste tegen Vrijdag 10 September via e-mail: michelgonzaga@hotmail.com , hello@territorial-lab.com, tel 0478 84 91 80 of PM, Plaatsen zijn beperkt tot 20 personen per workshop. Er is voldoende ruimte om alle Corona richtlijnen te respecteren.

A half-day workshop to learn how to discover, forage & prepare the wild food present in our city. We will bike around Kortrijk (short - distances only) to discover the unexpected food sources hidden in our neighbourhoods. We will then cook the food together and share a meal. The workshop will be led by Michel Gonzaga. Michel regularly gives workshops on wild picking, cooking with herbs, wild fermentation, vegetarian, vegan.

When: Saturday 11 September

Starts 14h00 to 18h00

Location start: BK6, 8500 Kortrijk then cooking together in the Roeland Saverystraat 26, 8500 Kortrijk

Price: The workshop is free for everyone.

Please bring: 1 cutting board, a good cutting knife, apron, and a clean towel.

Info/registration by Friday 10 September at the latest via e-mail: michelgonzaga@hotmail.com , hello@territorial-lab.com, tel 0478 84 91 80 or PM, Places are limited to 20 people per workshop. There is enough room to respect all Corona guidelines.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the organisers at: hello@territorial-lab.com ormichelgonzaga@hotmail.com
The territorial-lab initiative is supported by the KI:SS project coordinated by the intercommunale Leiedal. Investigating the potentials of city centers as catalysts for economical challenges, it aims to stimulate entrepreuneurship and innovation to prepare future changes. The methodology implies to make meet local entrepreneurs expertise in experience with professional knowledge through future-oriented thinking, digitization and disruptive thinking with a necessary attention for long-term solutions. This communication reflects the views only of the authWith or, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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